Creating a static library using VS Tools (command line)

This is a super short tutorial how to build and use a static library using Visual Studio tools (a.k.a. command line)

Using your favorite tool editor, in my case vim, create two files with the next content:

extern “C” int Test
return 123;




#include <iostream>

extern “C” int Test();

int main()
std::cout << Test() << std::endl;


To build follow the next steps:

1) cl -c teststaticlib.cpp
( -c stands for “compiles without linking”)
2) lib teststaticlib.obj

And the final step is
3) cl teststaticapp.cpp teststaticlib.lib

Now you can try the exe file just generated.


NOTE: To check an example using Visual Studio 2012 you may follow this link:
Static linking with Visual Studio